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Ymirjar Lord's Plate is the low end Tier 10 set for DPS Warriors.

Note that items from the Sanctified and Sanctified (heroic) versions also satisfy the set bonus requirement.

shortcut iconSee also: Ymirjar Lord's Plate for the tank version of this set. 


The parts of this set are Item Level 251, and are purchased solely with Justice Points. The legs and hands also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in 10-man Vault of Archavon.

Slot Emblem Sanctified Heroic
Item level 251 264 277
Head 1,100Pvecurrency-justice Emblem Version
Ability paladin shieldofthetemplar Mark of Sanctification
Sanctified Version
Ability paladin judgementsofthejust Mark of Sanctification (heroic)
Shoulder 695Pvecurrency-justice
Chest 1,100Pvecurrency-justice
Hands 695Pvecurrency-justice
Legs 1,100Pvecurrency-justice

The Item Level 264 versions are upgraded from these initial ones, with a Protector's Mark of Sanctification.

The Item Level 277 versions are upgraded from the 264 versions, with a Protector's Mark of Sanctification (heroic).

All three versions count towards satisfying the set bonus requirements.


Ymirjar Lord's Battlegear
Inv chest plate 25
Inv helmet 158
Inv gauntlets 86
Inv pants plate 32
Inv shoulder 129


The Ymirjar Lord tier was most likely inspired by the Vrykul of Northrend, particulary Howling Fjord, with symbols and runes on the set surrounding the people's culture.

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