
A view of Zeramas from below.
Zeramas is a Scourge necropolis located just east of Ebon Watch in western Zul'Drak. The Reliquary of Agony, located below, does not allow for transport into the necropolis.
- The only way to actually enter Zeramas is by using a flying mount.
- The necropolis, at present, is completely empty; since this zone was not intended to be flown through while the players quest, it's likely Zeramas was just meant for looks. However, since the subzone can only be discovered by flying up to it, it is possible that Blizzard put it into the game for a future patch.
- It is not impossible to reach the second floor, however it requires you to glitch. Upon arrival to the Second Floor, there is an arena, some obelisks, and a balcony above.
Zeramas may be a reference to StarCraft, where the Protoss High Templar will eventually say something akin to "Zeramas" when clicked on long enough.