This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and official bonus maps.
Zul'rogg is a Forest Troll Warlord, he was caught in the battle between Sylvanas' forces and those of Varimathras.
Some forest trolls of his tribe were attacked by Sylvanas but they told her that thier chieftain Zul'rogg will avenge them if they got killed. Sylvanas killed the trolls, she later found Zul'rogg with more forest trolls and killed them.[1] A wily and skilled leader, Zul'Rogg was an esteemed lieutenant of Zul'Aman and managed to rally the local Lordaeron Trolls into a makeshift and dangerous group, frenzied by Zul'Rogg's potions and magic, they became a worthy threat in the surrounding territories. However not even this talented warrior could be ready for the conflict between Sylvanas and Varimathras, which ended his life and those of his warriors.
Quotes mentioning Zul'rogg[]
Sylvanas: "Forest Trolls! I hate them even more than those cursed dreadlords. Slaughter them all!"
Forest Troll: "You'll never get us all, witch! Chieftain Zul'rogg will hunt you down and avenge us!"
Sylvanas: "He's welcome to try, savage!"
Sylvanas: "That brute must be Zul'rogg, the troll chieftain."
Current status[]
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
It was possible to take control of him by using a banshee, however this may not have happened because of Sylvanas' hatred for the forest trolls.
His current fate is unknown, as he has not appeared in World of Warcraft; he may have been killed by Sylvanas' forces.